EPC invest researching sea wave energy sector since years. We firmly believe that sea wave researches may reach point where experiment set-up finds economically feasible model/truss which generates electricity much cheaper than even solar power. This is our dream and we are working harder to make this dream into reality by investing on sea wave energy research projects.
More importantly, Sri Lanka is situated in strategically premium position in terms of harnessing sea wave energy. No country in the world is facing with such a long strip of sea without meeting land obstructions. Therefore, wind generates from Antactic hemisphere may reach to southern part of the island without any disturbance on its way. Therefore, we believe that southern region of the island shall comprise with considerably higher kinetic energy potential in the world. By having this simple idea, we have started our journey of researching sea wave energy harnessing potential from southern region.
Apart from the individual research process, we had started communication with number of sea wave researching companies and professionals since years. All in all are moving in right direction as at today. Our dream is to set up first ever sea wave plant in the island and connect to national grid.